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Mr. A B Ramesh

Assistant Professor

Ph.D.: University of Hyderabad, pursuing

PG: M.Tech (IT), JNTUH, 2011

UG: B.Tech, JNTU , 2008


Teaching Experience:  7 years 8 months

Research Experience:  3 years

Industry Experience: 2 years


Contact Number: 9849866331

BVRITN Employee ID: 438

JNTUH Registration ID: 35150404-135644

AICTE Registration ID: 1-785022860

  1.  Social network analysis
  2.  Artificial intelligence
  3. Machine learning
  1.  LMISTE 62098
  2.  MIEEE 93016030
  1.  UGC-NET Lectureship qualified in 2012
  2. Reviewed a paper for Exeprt systems with application.
  1.  Conducted a hands on training on academic writing using MSWord and Latex at BVRIT.
  2. Participated in a three day’s Examination reforms workshop conducted by AICTE.
  3. Participated in CoDS-COMAD 2020.